Tourists studying a map while exploring France

Survival French: How to Get By in Everyday Situations

Mar 29, 2023

Are you planning a trip to France or another French-speaking country? Even if you're not fluent in French, you can still get by with a few essential phrases and vocabulary. In this guide, we'll teach you Survival French, the basics you need to navigate everyday situations in a French-speaking country.


➤ Greeting and Basic Phrases


The first thing you need to know is how to greet people. In France, it's customary to say Bonjour (hello) when you enter a shop, restaurant, or other public place. You should also say Au revoir (goodbye) when you leave.

Other basic phrases to know include S'il vous plaît (please), Merci (thank you), and De rien (you're welcome). With these phrases, you can politely ask for things and thank people for their help.


➤ Ordering Food and Drink


One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling to France is trying the food and drink. To order in a restaurant or café, you can use the following phrases:

  • Je voudrais (I would like)
  • Une table pour deux/trois/quatre personnes (a table for two/three/four people)
  • La carte, s'il vous plaît (the menu, please)
  • L'addition, s'il vous plaît (the bill, please)
  • If you're not sure what to order, you can ask the waiter for a recommendation by saying Qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez ? (What do you recommend?)


➤ Getting Around


Navigating a new city can be overwhelming, but with a few key phrases, you can get around with ease. Here are some phrases you can use when asking for directions:

  • Où est la station de métro ? (Where is the metro station?)
  • Je cherche la rue… (I'm looking for the street...)
  • Est-ce que vous pouvez m'indiquer le chemin ? (Can you show me the way?)
  • If you're lost or need more help, you can ask Excusez-moi, je suis perdu(e). (Excuse me, I'm lost.) or Pouvez-vous m'aider ? (Can you help me?)


➤ Shopping


If you're planning to go shopping in France, here are some useful phrases to know:

  • Je cherche… (I'm looking for…)
  • Combien ça coûte ? (How much does it cost?)
  • Est-ce que vous avez une taille plus grande/petite ? (Do you have a larger/smaller size?)
  • Je peux essayer ? (Can I try it on?)


➤ Transportation


When traveling in France, you may need to take a train, bus, or taxi. Here are some useful phrases to know:

  • Un billet pour Paris, s'il vous plaît. (A ticket to Paris, please.)
  • À quelle heure part le prochain train/bus ? (What time does the next train/bus leave?)
  • Je voudrais aller à… (I would like to go to…)
  • Combien ça coûte pour aller à… ? (How much does it cost to go to…?)


➤ Emergency Situations


While no one wants to think about emergencies while traveling, it's important to know how to ask for help if needed. Here are some phrases to remember:

  • Au secours ! (Help!)
  • Je suis blessé(e)/malade. (I'm injured/sick.)
  • Où est l'hôpital/la police ? (Where is the hospital/the police station?)
  • Je ne parle pas français. (I don't speak French.)

If you need to call for emergency services, the number in France is 112.


➤ Conclusion


With these basic phrases and vocabulary, you'll be able to navigate everyday situations with ease. Whether you're ordering food, asking for directions, or dealing with an emergency, these phrases will help you communicate effectively. With a little practice and effort, you'll be able to improve your language skills and feel more confident speaking French.

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